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Airtac 2J Series Valve 2JЅУ200
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2J Series Valve 2JЅУ200 - высокопроизводительное и качественное оборудование компании Airtac. Вся продукция бренда изготавливается на самом современном технологическом оборудовании и сертифицирована по стандарту системы менеджмента качества ISO 9001:2008, что гарантирует ее бесперебойную работу, надежность и длительный срок эксплуатации.Продукция Airtac применяется для различных промышленных сегментов рынка, таких как упаковочная промышленность, медицина, машиностроение, легкая промышленность и другие сферы производства.1. Air piloted and can be used non electric, inflammable and explosive environment. The start-up pressure is low. and the high pressure could be controlled by the low pressure.2. The accessories such as the noumenon and slide bar are made of stainless steel, which are of excellent rustproof quality. The seals are made of Teflon and can be applied extensively in areas with high temperature and strong corrosive liquids.3. The structure of valve is angles at 45° degrees with streamline inner chamber design . The reduced tunnel resistance allows liquid to run more smoothly thus achieving high flow. Filtration core are added at inlet port to prevent the entrance of impurities and extend life span of the seals.4. Actuator is fitted with visual position indicator. This allows for visual checking and adjustment of flowrate.5. Control point is made of metal . Mounting plate can be used to for NAMUR value.6. The actuator part can be rotated at 360° degrees and is easily installed.1. Before using, please verify that if the working status of product is identical with data in catalogue, and it should not exceed the limits.2. Before the pressure releasing and cooling of system, no maintenance, examination and installation of product should be conducted.3. For the normally-closed-type , when its valve is disassembled, due to the pre-pressure of the relatively large spring power in controller, the “1” hole should be opened for ventilation in advance so to make sure the piston could be completely moved to the position, then rotate the screw thread between the valve and the connection bar, direct rotation is forbidden, otherwise the disassembling would not be conducted in result of the scuffing of screw thread.4. If maintenance of actuator part is needed, special tools should be used for disassembling and installation, while disassembling, the loading spring could cause damage. If the customer can not conduct the maintenance, please return the valve to manufacturer for maintenance.''
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